
NP4G – “Otis” Vicens

Licensed in 1997. ​ DXpeditions: CE0Y/NP4G, NP4G/VP9, NP4G/PJ7, A60EXPO, Bouvet DXpedition 3Y0J, Contest: K3LR, NP4Z/ KP3Z ​ Director INDEXA, Caribbean and SA Representative ​ Member: Puerto Rico Amateur Radio League, ARRL, Los Chachos Contest Club

HI3R/NK4DX – Ez Prado, Sr.

Ez is an Electronics Engineer, first licensed 2007. Main mode is CW and digital. DXpeditions and Ham radio operations: CT1/HI3EPR, EA1,EA5,EA7/HI3EPR, BY1/HI3EPR, KP2/NK4DX, HI0UD, HI2DX, Contesting: HI3AA, N4WW, KP2B Member of the Florida Contest Group, South Florida DX Association, Florida Weak Signal Society and The Dominican Amateur Radio Society SDRA. Owner and maintainer of HI3R, the first fully ham radio station in the Dominican Republic.

XQ3SK – Willy

Lover of contests and DX either in CW, SSB, RRTY and FT8-Ft4. I prefer to work in morse code. I worked with these Callsign: CE3KHZ, CA3KHZ, CO2MHZ,CO2UG and CM2UG. I have participated in multiple competitions, with my callsign or as a member of special stations. Member of CB1B Copayapu Contest team

AB5EB – Mike Crownover, Jr.

Mike is ER Physician Co-founder of Island Radio Expedition Foundation (IREF) Many IOTA activations, including: NA13, H74C, NA119, NA120 N5M, NA168, NA158, NA143, NA197, NA92, NA14, NA55, NA44, NA45, NA209 H75A, NA246,NA89 K5P, NA94 CY9M, VK9AR OC-216, VK9AR/6 OC-234, NA-82 N5C

AD5A – Mike Crownover

Mike AD5A, is an avid CW operator, DXer and Contester. Licensed in 1989, Mike is #1 Honor Roll, 9 Band DXCC,  FOC Member and WRTC Competitor. Mike also enjoys expeditioning and has done over 20 IOTA expeditions including H75A NA-209, H74C NA-013, VK9AR OC-216, KL7RRC NA-210 and numerous others.

W8HC – Hal Turley

Hal, W8HC was first licensed in 1967 but didn’t became active as a DXer until the mid-1980’s. He is #1 DXCC Honor Roll with 350 entities confirmed and 10-band DXCC. Hal enjoys being on the DX side of the pileup participating in several DXpeditions over the past 11 years including: NH8S, VK9WA, K5P, VP6R, 3Y0Z and KL7RRC. In the past year he was on the K7K activation of Kiska Island, JW0A, 9G4X, VP5/W8HC, KH8RRC and one of the remote members of the recent VP6A Ducie DXpedition using the Radio in a Box (RIB) technology. In addition to DXpeditions, he has operated from several locations locations around the world including 6 CQWW Contests from 4X. Hal currently serves as the Secretary-Treasurer of INDEXA.

N2IC – Steve London

Steve, N2IC, is a long-time CW and SSB contester and DXer. He won ARRL Sweepstakes CW a number of times, and was the USA single-op unassisted winner in CQWW SSB and CQWW CW. He has been a member of contest teams at K0RF, K1EA, KC1XX, K3LR, N5IA and ND7K. Steve is also a 7-time competitor in WRTC, finishing in the top-5 twice.

Off-Island Support Team

XQ1KZ – Nicolas Herrera

W6IZT – Gregg Marco

XQ3SA – Guillermo Guerra

K4NHW – Nathan H. Wood