
CB0ZA Team member Ez, HI3R/ NK4DX saying, “Goodbye” to the Crate as it is loaded in the truck and hauled away from his QTH in Florida.
Guillermo, XQ3SA doing a “Dauer-Gentry” happy to finally have all the items cleared
 and delivered to Chile.
CB0ZA Team member Willy, XQ3SK (front) and DXpedition Logistics Lead Guillermo, XQ3SA are all smiles as they are on their way to Valparaiso to deliver take all of the DXpedition for shipment to Robinson Crusoe Island.
Guillermo, XQ3SA, who was part of the original CB0ZA DXpedition but had to drop off the team, played a key role with the complex logistics required to ship the team’s DXpedition gear, supplies and equipment from the U.S. to Santiago to Valparaiso to Robinson Crusoe Island… many moving parts!